Common Mistakes that Impede Conversions

Common Mistakes That Keep Your Property Leads From Converting

Ever wonder why your leads aren’t converting? Well, you just might be making some mistakes that are holding you back.

Sophiyanah David

January 9, 2023

If we’re being honest, getting your property leads is the easy step. Making sure they convert – now that’s a whole different story. 

If this is a problem you happen to be facing, then you’re not alone. 

Most realtors usually find themselves in similar states, struggling to close on their clients. 

But what if we told you that you could be making some serious marketing mistakes that’s causing your campaign to flop? 

In this article, we go over 5 of these common marketing missteps, including; 

1. You don't have an online website
2. You're not giving prospects a reason to click
3. You're not using different marketing channels
4. You nurture leads sporadically
5. You're forgetting clients after closing

1. You don't have an online website

Think of property websites as virtual versions of your business card – just with better perks.  

They help buyers find a way to contact you, boost your brand awareness, and make your agency appear credible, along with a slew of other benefits

These are all advantages that could be the difference between closing a deal yourself or giving it up to your competition. 

Because what most realtors don’t realize is the importance behind building trust and how it can help you attract as well as retain buyers. 

Think about it. 

Would you put your savings in the hands of a property company you know next to nothing about? 

If you answered no being an agent yourself, homebuyers are no different. 

As such, property websites are a great way to foster trust and ensure prospects believe in your services enough to reach out when they’re planning on buying a home. 

2. You're not giving prospects a reason to click

Sometimes the culprit behind your missing leads could be the listings themselves. 

Every property you sell is unique in its own way – and it’s important that you capitalize on this to draw in buyers. 

Otherwise, you’re only left with boring, uninspiring listings that are identical to your competition – so how can you expect to stand out? 

Well, what about using the news

Hear us out.

While gathering market data can be a little time consuming, this information is crucial to your understanding and monitoring of the market as well as where it is headed. As a result, you’ll be able to foresee up and coming districts as well as properties with great potential. 

But that’s not all, staying up-to-date on changes in the marketplace will also help you become a valuable asset to your clients. Being a realtor is more than just a job – you are running a business. In order to provide the best possible service to your current and future clients, it’s imperative that you stay on top of, and even try to anticipate, market trends.

Pro tip: Catching up with the ever-changing real estate market can be difficult, so make sure to leverage convenient platforms like 8ambrief that cuts down your work by half. All you need to do is pick a package and you’ll receive relevant district news on a daily basis!

3. You're not using different marketing channels

Your goal with any marketing effort should be to get your message in front of as many eyes as possible. 

This means not only sticking to one advertising method, but expanding your box of tricks to include digital marketing as well. 

Testing these platforms are the best way to find what works for your campaign. This may also lead to conversions you otherwise wouldn’t have.

One platform we always recommend our clients trying is Google Ads. 

PPC advertising solutions are incredibly effective when it comes to helping you reach many of your marketing goals. They'll get you sales, drive traffic, and even help you raise your brand awareness, especially if your ads are well-written and well-optimized!

Remember, the key here is to not spread yourself thin on too many platforms – so, be sure to pace yourself well. 

Pro tip: If you’re already using Google Ads with no results to speak of, then try looking into your metrics. This will help you determine if your ads are relevant and effective to your target market. 

4. You nurture leads sporadically

Consistency is vital to nurturing solid leads. 

Every realtor knows the struggle of juggling so many leads at once that you end up dropping a couple here and there. 

While this may not seem like a big deal at that time, it actually hurts your chances of converting in the long run – especially when clients don’t hear back from you for a length of time. 

The last thing you want to do is turn a hot lead cold due to negligence. 

So, here’s what you can do instead – use scheduling and automated email tools to help you save time and effort. 

The automated nature of this strategy means you can essentially set it and forget it, while still nurturing your leads appropriately and building trust as well as connection along the way. Just be sure to check your inbox for replies or queries though the day! 

5. You're forgetting clients after closing

One of the biggest mistakes we see our clients make is losing contact with buyers after closing a deal. 

While it may seem odd or awkward to continue keeping in touch with your customers after handing over the keys, doing so can actually help you down the road. 

This is because keeping up with past clients can, in time, generate tremendous opportunities for you to grow your lead list and provide service to their friends and family. 

It helps prevent them from jumping into another agent‘s lead funnel by referral or by online search when they’re thinking about buying or selling again in the future.

Remember, the sales of today are the leads of tomorrow, whether through referrals or repeat business years down the line. So, set up schedules to nurture them too. 

Pro tip: To successfully stay in your clients’ lives, it’s important that you keep in touch with them without appearing annoying. Some tried and true methods of doing this include sending out a newsletter once every 2 to 3 weeks, connecting with them on social media, and using your referrals to get back in touch. 

And that’s it for this article – remember to keep these tips in mind when preparing for your next marketing campaign! Interested in more valuable real estate marketing content? Simply follow our LinkedIn or Facebook pages today and stay updated as soon as we upload an article! 

Keen on boosting your property sales? At SellMoreCondos (SMC), we put your real estate business out there with quality property websites, relevant landing pages, and Google Ads. Plus point? We help you do this without breaking the bank. Check out what we’ve done for our clients and be the judge of our results yourself! Get in touch with us today to get started!

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